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기존 Data Dictionary 관련 Object의 LAST_DDL_TIME 변경 문의

Date2004.12.02 / Hit : 10922
안녕하세요? Oracle Configuration Admin을 실행하였는데, 기존 Data Dictionary 관련 Object들의 LAST_DDL_TIME 이 변하는 것이 있더군요. 왜 변하는지 확인하고 싶습니다. 현재 운영중인 서버에서 실행하였는데, 문제 발생의 소지가 있으므로 정확한 원인을 알려주시기 바랍니다. 가능하다면 스크립트도 알려주세요. 아래에는 1. Oracle Configuration Admin 로그 2. Oracle Configuration Admin 이 생성한 Object 3. LAST_DDL_TIME 이 변한 기존 Data Dictionary 관련 Object 를 첨부합니다. ----- 아 래 ----- 1. Oracle Configuration Admin 로그 -------------------------------- Install on existing Tablespace ICXX Install on existing Tablespace TEMP Updating Role ORANGE_MONITORING_ROLE role updated. Checking existence of User ORANGE User ORANGE Already Exists Changing Password for User ORANGE(Don't worry. There's no side-effect) Setting Default and temporary tablespace Granting Privilege - Step 1 Granting Privilege - Step 2 Creating SysViews Creating SysView OX$KTFBUE Publishing SysView OX$KTFBUE Creating SysView OX$BH Publishing SysView OX$BH SysViews created. Publishing SysPackages Publishing Package DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN Publishing Package DBMS_SPACE Publishing Package DBMS_SYSTEM SysPackages published. Creating required Tables Creating table ORANGE_INVALID_ROWS Creating table ORANGE_EVENT_CLASS Creating table ORANGE_PLAN_TABLE Creating table ORANGE_PLSQL_LOCK_TABLE Creating table ORANGE_OPTION Creating table ORANGE_CHAINED_ROWS Catalog TABLEs created. Creating required Catalog Views Creating View ORANGE_CLU_COLUMNS Publishing View ORANGE_CLU_COLUMNS Creating View ORANGE_CONSTRAINTS Publishing View ORANGE_CONSTRAINTS Creating View ORANGE_CONSTRAINTS2 Publishing View ORANGE_CONSTRAINTS2 Creating View ORANGE_CONS_COLUMNS Publishing View ORANGE_CONS_COLUMNS Creating View ORANGE_INDEXES Publishing View ORANGE_INDEXES Creating View ORANGE_INDPART_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_INDPART_SEGS Creating View ORANGE_INDSUBPART_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_INDSUBPART_SEGS Creating View ORANGE_IND_COLUMNS Publishing View ORANGE_IND_COLUMNS Creating View ORANGE_IND_PARTITIONS Publishing View ORANGE_IND_PARTITIONS Creating View ORANGE_IND_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_IND_SEGS Creating View ORANGE_IND_UNIQUENESS Publishing View ORANGE_IND_UNIQUENESS Creating View ORANGE_JAVA Publishing View ORANGE_JAVA Creating View ORANGE_MVIEWS Publishing View ORANGE_MVIEWS Creating View ORANGE_MYSESS Publishing View ORANGE_MYSESS Creating View ORANGE_OBJ Publishing View ORANGE_OBJ Creating View ORANGE_OBJECT_TABLES Publishing View ORANGE_OBJECT_TABLES Creating View ORANGE_PLSQL Publishing View ORANGE_PLSQL Creating View ORANGE_REFERENCED_BY Publishing View ORANGE_REFERENCED_BY Creating View ORANGE_REFERENCES Publishing View ORANGE_REFERENCES Creating View ORANGE_SEGMENTS Publishing View ORANGE_SEGMENTS Creating View ORANGE_SEQUENCES Publishing View ORANGE_SEQUENCES Creating View ORANGE_SESSION Publishing View ORANGE_SESSION Creating View ORANGE_STATNAME Publishing View ORANGE_STATNAME Creating View ORANGE_SYNONYMS Publishing View ORANGE_SYNONYMS Creating View ORANGE_TABINDCOL_ANAL Publishing View ORANGE_TABINDCOL_ANAL Creating View ORANGE_TABINDCOL_INFO Publishing View ORANGE_TABINDCOL_INFO Creating View ORANGE_TABLES Publishing View ORANGE_TABLES Creating View ORANGE_TABLES2 Publishing View ORANGE_TABLES2 Creating View ORANGE_TABPART_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_TABPART_SEGS Creating View ORANGE_TABSUBPART_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_TABSUBPART_SEGS Creating View ORANGE_TAB_COLUMNS Publishing View ORANGE_TAB_COLUMNS Creating View ORANGE_TAB_INDEXES Publishing View ORANGE_TAB_INDEXES Creating View ORANGE_TAB_SEGS Publishing View ORANGE_TAB_SEGS
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