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reorg connection문제
Date2007.08.14 /
Hit : 6954
-------------------------------------------------------- * Oracle Client (SQL*Net) Version : 10g * Oracle Server Version : * Client OS : XP -------------------------------------------------------- grant create any table to orange; grant alter any table to orange; grant drop any table to orange; grant lock any table to orange; grant comment any table to orange; grant select any table to orange; grant query rewrite to orange; grant create any index to orange; grant create any procedure to orange; grant create any trigger to orange; grant alter any index to orange; grant alter any procedure to orange; grant alter any trigger to orange; grant grant any object privilege to orange; grant analyze any to orange; grant select any dictionary to orange; grant execute on dbms_redefinition to orange; grant execute on dbms_job to orange; grant execute on dbms_stats to orange; grant execute on dbms_space to orange; 실제 orange에 위와같은 권한이 있음에도 계속 권한이 불충분하다고 에러가 떨어지며 connection이 되지 않습니다. 무슨 문제인가요?
reorg connection문제
Re: reorg connection문제